Euan Robertson

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French Wives

Last week saw the second instalment of Detour's second season in Bar Bloc in Glasgow. Again it was a secret line-up, which again, somehow, resulted in a packed venue. A last minute addition to the line up were the brilliant French Wives. I've managed to catch them a couple of times before and have been hugely impressed (in keeping with the general consensus) so it was great to see them again in such intimate surroundings.

They had already played Edinburgh earlier in the evening (managing to get in to the city, play & get out in under two hours, which is usually how long it takes me to find my way in!) and so played a well past midnight set that was packed full of classic moments. I was literally still singing 'Halloween' between bands on Thursday night!

And so to some pictures of the charming and pretty bunch, more from Detour to follow later in the week...

French Wives

French Wives

French Wives

French Wives