Euan Robertson

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Exploring USA // one, american, wit

It's OK to go full tourist sometimes, right?


We visited my cousin Paula and her awesome friends for thanksgiving, just outside of Philadelphia. It was a surprisingly painless drive through Manhattan to take the road down there for all the food!

Thankfully we missed the black Friday crazy and took a walk around Philadelphia. An uber driver told us "this is south Philadelphia, where I was born and raised." 

So close!! 

Learned how to order a cheese steak which is probably a significant life skill. 

After thanksgiving we drove from Philly to DC for a quick overnight. We arrived towards the end of daylight so I had us pretty much jogging from Dupont Circle to Pennsylvania Avenue.

It looked like the removal vans were in. Sad to think what will b become of the place.

Walked the mall as the sun set to appreciate some of the history around the city and country.


I really enjoyed DC. Hopefully it holds strong over the next few years.