2017 // Top 10
It’s been quite an adventure distilling the past 6 years of my life into top 10 lists. (In case you’ve missed them, you can find top 10s for 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 & 2016 with a click).
I didn’t set out with a goal to do this, and not sure what it’s achieved, other than some kind of perspective on what I’ve been up to. It’s interesting to think how my current ‘top 10’ of each year would vary from a top 10 if picked at the end of the year. No answer to that one, but a question I’ve been asking myself.
There is definitely an element of regret in looking back, there is an awareness of the shots (or shoots) I missed. Why is it always the shot you missed that’s the best shot?! But also a tiny stirring of happiness that I’ve had some incredible opportunities to photograph for & with some truly exceptional people.
Before I get lost in a fog of nostalgia, here’s a top for 2017, to take us almost up to date.