T In The Park 2016
This year was my 6th time photographing T in the Park and 4th shooting it for the festival itself. It's always an eye opening and foot destroying weekend. I'm pretty lucky to drop into an amazing team of people for the weekend. Thanks to them for being so great to work with and for letting me loose on their festival.
I shoot a lot for future promo, but here's a wee look at a few of the bands that I got along to see and some of the crowd lapping it up!
Until next year T...

concertEuan RobertsonT in the Park, Slam Tent, Hot Dub Time Machine, King Tuts Wah Wah Hut, Prides, Fairground, Festival, live music, concert, gig, Frightened Rabbit, Stone Roses, sunset, alesso, jess glynne, maximo park, jump shot, paul smith, lcd soundsystem, james murphy, double exposure, the 1975, bbc radio 1, euan roebrtson, euanrphoto, euan robertson photography1 Comment